Wednesday, July 25, 2007

the most valuable thing

hello guys!! the most valuable thing of mine. i have so many valuable thing that is very important to my family,friends,and also my special someone,his name is "Jesus".
i cannot do my work for the day without there blessings,there hugs and kisses or to say "good day","good luck","take care".i miss those sayings from my parents.

right now, that i am a college student i having my studies at the city i have to live an apartment or boarding house without my parents,so that i can be an independent person.i miss them so much but i have no choice,i have to focus on my studies.but, God give me strength always.

i cant live without friends,because they are my supporters when i fill down,also when i have a problem.i believe that "no man is an island",because a person that has no family,he/she can find it at his/her friends and when she/he fill alone he can also go to church to meditate or talk to the priest.theirs a lot of way or choosing of having friends.

Monday, July 23, 2007

"day dreaming"

wow!we're now talking about our prelim exam. it is my 1st exam in college level. i can't explain what happened to me that time.while I'm studying at the dining room i realize this is the time that i have to study hard and also my parents doing hard so that they can pay my tuition every exam. at this time, i am now waiting for the result of the examination.

i want to surprise my parents. like, i want to be one of the DL or Deans List.i always aiming that i also one of that list but, the question is, can i be one of them?when?theirs a lot of temptation. But, UIC have a rules about our examination time they encouraged us to get a high score because if ever we get an average of 90 above, we can get the half or a percent of our tuition that we payed for that semester. that's why I'm very excited to see the result of my examination. if ever i failed i must do something for the next examination and most of all, the word "exempted", that's what i aiming for the final exam..

market vendor

hello..why should i used the title "vendor", its because i like to sell anything i want..specially when the time comes that i will be the best programmer know I'm ambitious,like what i have said awhile ago. i'd like to be vendor of software products on the web.later on, i will explain to you what vendors means to me..

alot of people in the market who sell anything without the permit from the government authorized them or to allow them to sell in the past times, my parents and i experienced to be a market vendor in our place and to the other place so that we can sell more. i realized that people in the market are very much hardworking people. after the day pass, they will count on,the money they've got "yes we got the highest income", that is the appropriate words of thinking in the market.