Monday, July 23, 2007

"day dreaming"

wow!we're now talking about our prelim exam. it is my 1st exam in college level. i can't explain what happened to me that time.while I'm studying at the dining room i realize this is the time that i have to study hard and also my parents doing hard so that they can pay my tuition every exam. at this time, i am now waiting for the result of the examination.

i want to surprise my parents. like, i want to be one of the DL or Deans List.i always aiming that i also one of that list but, the question is, can i be one of them?when?theirs a lot of temptation. But, UIC have a rules about our examination time they encouraged us to get a high score because if ever we get an average of 90 above, we can get the half or a percent of our tuition that we payed for that semester. that's why I'm very excited to see the result of my examination. if ever i failed i must do something for the next examination and most of all, the word "exempted", that's what i aiming for the final exam..

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